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Rob Donnelly

(Stroke) Rob Donnelly is a U.S. Marine who proudly serves his country for four years as active duty. On February 12, 2015, Rob suffered a massive stroke leaving him with significant damage to the left side of his body. As a Marine, Rob’s always been proud of his ability to “improvise, adapt, and overcome!” After receiving amazing treatment at Moss Rehab, Rob saw progress, however, he was ready to continue to grow and willing to fight for more.

Rob’s wife, Doreen has been a powerful force behind helping Rob get back to a “new normal.” Once physical therapy was completed, Doreen knew with Rob’s “great attitude, and willingness to give 100%,” he could continue to push himself “to become a better version of who he was today.” Through her work at the Veteran’s Administration, she was introduced to the Fighting Back Veteran’s Program. Rob became a scholarship recipient of the program at MaxOut.

From his first day at MaxOut, Rob has had a warrior mindset—He focuses on each exercise as if he is on a mission as a U.S. Marine, and puts in the work every week. His trainer describes Rob as one of the hardest working members at the gym, always willing to try, and consistently improving with each workout.

MaxOut has worked with Rob to understand that it’s the little victories that matter when recovering from a stroke. Things like kicking off his own covers to getting of out bed hold significance. He will always fight to find his “new normal,” and he will never, ever quit. Semper Fi!