#1 Erica Grebe in wheelchair.jpeg

Erica Grebe

What are the odds of a Fighting Back client competing in the Paralympics?

We never really gave it much thought until now, as Fighting Back at MaxOut client, and 2018 Annual Achievement Night Honoree, Erica Grebe, is about to begin her journey to becoming a Paralympian! How is this possible? The power of social media is how! A simple video on Matt Cubbler’s Instagram page showing Erica bench press 225 pounds with the hashtag #cerebalpalsy. Within 24 hours, Matt received a message from the US Olympic Committee’s Director of Track and Field for the US Olympic Team - Catherine Erickson.

Recently, Bill Orr, of the Fighting Back Scholarship Program coordinated with a retired US Army Airborne soldier, and former Paralympian, Ce-Ce Mazyck from Columbia, South Carolina, to acquire a donated throwing chair for Erica to use for practice and competition. Erica competed in a USA Paralympic event in Hillsdale, NJ on May 24-26, 2019.

Four years ago, Erica was feeling hopeless, with little to look forward to each day. Thanks to the Fighting Back Scholarship Program, and social media, she has an opportunity to potentially represent her country at the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.